
en Conjunctions 3   »   ar ‫أدوات الربط 3‬

96 [ninety-six]

Conjunctions 3

Conjunctions 3

‫96 [ستة وتسعون]‬

96 [stat wataseun]

‫أدوات الربط 3‬

[iadawat alrabt 3]

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I get up as soon as the alarm rings. ‫سأن-ض--الم---ر- المنبه-‬ ‫_____ ح____ ي__ ا_______ ‫-أ-ه- ح-ل-ا ي-ن ا-م-ب-.- ------------------------- ‫سأنهض حالما يرن المنبه.‬ 0
s--nhad halim---aru- a-mu---ha. s______ h_____ y____ a_________ s-a-h-d h-l-m- y-r-n a-m-n-a-a- ------------------------------- s'anhad halima yarun almunbaha.
I become tired as soon as I have to study. ‫----------ب--الم----دأ-با-در--ة.‬ ‫____ ب_____ ح____ أ___ ب_________ ‫-ش-ر ب-ل-ع- ح-ل-ا أ-د- ب-ل-ر-س-.- ---------------------------------- ‫أشعر بالتعب حالما أبدأ بالدراسة.‬ 0
as-ueu- --a-t--- -a-i-a '--da-------r-----. a______ b_______ h_____ '____ b____________ a-h-e-r b-a-t-e- h-l-m- '-b-a b-a-d-r-s-t-. ------------------------------------------- ashueur bialtueb halima 'abda bialdarasata.
I will stop working as soon as I am 60. ‫-أت--------ل--- حا--ا-أ-لغ -لستي--‬ ‫______ ع_ ا____ ح____ أ___ ا_______ ‫-أ-و-ف ع- ا-ع-ل ح-ل-ا أ-ل- ا-س-ي-.- ------------------------------------ ‫سأتوقف عن العمل حالما أبلغ الستين.‬ 0
s----w---- -a- ale-mal--al-- 'a-l-g--a-s--na. s_________ e__ a______ h____ '______ a_______ s-a-a-a-a- e-n a-e-m-l h-l-a '-b-u-h a-s-i-a- --------------------------------------------- s'atawaqaf ean aleamal halma 'ablugh alstina.
When will you call? ‫م-ى ست--- باله-ت--؟‬ ‫___ س____ ب______ ؟_ ‫-ت- س-ت-ل ب-ل-ا-ف ؟- --------------------- ‫متى ستتصل بالهاتف ؟‬ 0
m-a -a---a--- bia-h-t---? m__ s________ b________ ? m-a s-t-t-s-l b-a-h-t-f ? ------------------------- mta satatasal bialhatif ?
As soon as I have a moment. ‫-ال-ا-تسن--ل- ا--ر---‬ ‫_____ ت___ ل_ ا_______ ‫-ا-م- ت-ن- ل- ا-ف-ص-.- ----------------------- ‫حالما تسنح لي الفرصة.‬ 0
ha--- ta--a- ---a-fu--a--. h____ t_____ l_ a_________ h-l-a t-s-a- l- a-f-r-a-a- -------------------------- halma tasnah li alfursata.
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. ‫-ي-ص--بالها-----ل-- تس-- له---فر--‬ ‫_____ ب______ ح____ ت___ ل_ ا______ ‫-ي-ص- ب-ل-ا-ف ح-ل-ا ت-ن- ل- ا-ف-ص-‬ ------------------------------------ ‫سيتصل بالهاتف حالما تسنح له الفرصة‬ 0
sy-ta-il bi----t-f -alma-t--n---l-----f--a-at s_______ b________ h____ t_____ l__ a________ s-a-a-i- b-a-h-t-f h-l-a t-s-a- l-h a-f-r-s-t --------------------------------------------- syatasil bialhatif halma tasnah lah alfurasat
How long will you work? ‫إلى --- ----ل-‬ ‫___ م__ س______ ‫-ل- م-ى س-ع-ل-‬ ---------------- ‫إلى متى ستعمل؟‬ 0
'----a-m-t-a -teml? '_____ m____ s_____ '-i-a- m-t-a s-e-l- ------------------- 'iilaa mataa steml?
I’ll work as long as I can. ‫-أعمل--ا--م--قا-را--ع-ى ---.‬ ‫_____ م_ د__ ق____ ع__ ذ____ ‫-أ-م- م- د-ت ق-د-ا- ع-ى ذ-ك-‬ ------------------------------ ‫سأعمل ما دمت قادراً على ذلك.‬ 0
s'-em-- -a--dumt--adr----e--aa dh--ka. s______ m__ d___ q______ e____ d______ s-a-m-l m-a d-m- q-d-a-n e-l-a d-a-k-. -------------------------------------- s'aemal maa dumt qadraan ealaa dhalka.
I’ll work as long as I am healthy. ‫-أ-مل--- د-ت-بص-- ج--ة-‬ ‫_____ م_ د__ ب___ ج_____ ‫-أ-م- م- د-ت ب-ح- ج-د-.- ------------------------- ‫سأعمل ما دمت بصحة جيدة.‬ 0
i-'---a- m-a d-mt b-s-h-- j-yidt-. i_______ m__ d___ b______ j_______ i-'-e-a- m-a d-m- b-s-h-t j-y-d-a- ---------------------------------- is'aemal maa dumt bisihat jayidta.
He lies in bed instead of working. ‫إ-ه -ستل----ى --س--ر-ب-- -ن --مل.‬ ‫___ م____ ع__ ا_____ ب__ أ_ ي_____ ‫-ن- م-ت-ق ع-ى ا-س-ي- ب-ل أ- ي-م-.- ----------------------------------- ‫إنه مستلق على السرير بدل أن يعمل.‬ 0
'ii-ah -u-tal-q e-----a-sarir-b-- -----ae---a. '_____ m_______ e____ a______ b__ '__ y_______ '-i-a- m-s-a-i- e-l-a a-s-r-r b-l '-n y-e-a-a- ---------------------------------------------- 'iinah mustaliq ealaa alsarir bdl 'an yaemala.
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. ‫---ت--أ ------- -د---ن-تطب-.‬ ‫__ ت___ ا______ ب__ أ_ ت_____ ‫-ي ت-ر- ا-ج-ي-ة ب-ل أ- ت-ب-.- ------------------------------ ‫هي تقرأ الجريدة بدل أن تطبخ.‬ 0
hi--aqra ---a-i-a- b-l '-n t----kha. h_ t____ a________ b__ '__ t________ h- t-q-a a-j-r-d-t b-l '-n t-t-a-h-. ------------------------------------ hi taqra aljaridat bdl 'an tutbakha.
He is at the bar instead of going home. ‫إن- ---س -- ا----ة--دل أن ي--ب إ-ى-البيت.‬ ‫___ ي___ ف_ ا_____ ب__ أ_ ي___ إ__ ا______ ‫-ن- ي-ل- ف- ا-ح-ن- ب-ل أ- ي-ه- إ-ى ا-ب-ت-‬ ------------------------------------------- ‫إنه يجلس في الحانة بدل أن يذهب إلى البيت.‬ 0
'-i-----ujl-- f- -lha--- -----an---dhha----i-aa-al--y-. '_____ y_____ f_ a______ b__ '__ y______ '_____ a______ '-i-a- y-j-i- f- a-h-n-t b-l '-n y-d-h-b '-i-a- a-b-y-. ------------------------------------------------------- 'iinah yujlis fi alhanat bdl 'an yadhhab 'iilaa albayt.
As far as I know, he lives here. ‫--ب علم- -- -س-ن--نا.‬ ‫___ ع___ ه_ ي___ ه____ ‫-س- ع-م- ه- ي-ك- ه-ا-‬ ----------------------- ‫حسب علمي هو يسكن هنا.‬ 0
h--b ---m-in-hu -u---n ----. h___ e______ h_ y_____ h____ h-i- e-l-i-n h- y-s-i- h-n-. ---------------------------- hsib eilmiin hu yuskin huna.
As far as I know, his wife is ill. ‫--- -لمي ز--ته -ر-ض-.‬ ‫___ ع___ ز____ م______ ‫-س- ع-م- ز-ج-ه م-ي-ة-‬ ----------------------- ‫حسب علمي زوجته مريضة.‬ 0
hsi--e-l---zaw---ih m-------. h___ e____ z_______ m________ h-i- e-l-i z-w-a-i- m-r-d-t-. ----------------------------- hsib eilmi zawjatih muridata.
As far as I know, he is unemployed. ‫حسب--لمي ه--عاط- ع--ا-ع-ل-‬ ‫___ ع___ ه_ ع___ ع_ ا______ ‫-س- ع-م- ه- ع-ط- ع- ا-ع-ل-‬ ---------------------------- ‫حسب علمي هو عاطل عن العمل.‬ 0
h-----ilm------a-i--e-n -lea--. h___ e____ h_ e____ e__ a______ h-i- e-l-i h- e-t-l e-n a-e-m-. ------------------------------- hsib eilmi hu eatil ean aleaml.
I overslept; otherwise I’d have been on time. ‫-- -- --ر- في-----م لكنت-في--ل--عد.‬ ‫__ ل_ أ___ ف_ ا____ ل___ ف_ ا_______ ‫-و ل- أ-ر- ف- ا-ن-م ل-ن- ف- ا-م-ع-.- ------------------------------------- ‫لو لم أغرق في النوم لكنت في الموعد.‬ 0
l- -- -ag---- f- a--u-m -a--nt--i -lmueid. l_ l_ '______ f_ a_____ l_____ f_ a_______ l- l- '-g-r-q f- a-n-w- l-k-n- f- a-m-e-d- ------------------------------------------ lw lm 'aghraq fi alnuwm lakunt fi almueid.
I missed the bus; otherwise I’d have been on time. ‫-و -م تفت-ي --حافل- --ن- ف-----و--.‬ ‫__ ل_ ت____ ا______ ل___ ف_ ا_______ ‫-و ل- ت-ت-ي ا-ح-ف-ة ل-ن- ف- ا-م-ع-.- ------------------------------------- ‫لو لم تفتني الحافلة لكنت في الموعد.‬ 0
lw -m-----iniy-a--afila- lak-n- fi --m-ei-. l_ l_ t_______ a________ l_____ f_ a_______ l- l- t-f-i-i- a-h-f-l-t l-k-n- f- a-m-e-d- ------------------------------------------- lw lm taftiniy alhafilat lakunt fi almueid.
I didn’t find the way / I got lost; otherwise I’d have been on time. ‫-و-لم --ل ا--ر----ك-ت ف- --م-عد.‬ ‫__ ل_ أ__ ا_____ ل___ ف_ ا_______ ‫-و ل- أ-ل ا-ط-ي- ل-ن- ف- ا-م-ع-.- ---------------------------------- ‫لو لم أضل الطريق لكنت في الموعد.‬ 0
lw -m 'ad--a --t-r-q-l-kunt-f- al--e-d. l_ l_ '_____ a______ l_____ f_ a_______ l- l- '-d-l- a-t-r-q l-k-n- f- a-m-e-d- --------------------------------------- lw lm 'adala altariq lakunt fi almueid.

Language and math

Thinking and speech go together. They influence one another. Linguistic structures influence the structures of our thinking. In some languages, for example, there are no words for numbers. The speakers do not understand the concept of numbers. So math and language also go together in some way. Grammatical and mathematical structures are often similar. Some researchers believe that they are also processed similarly. They believe that the speech center is also responsible for math. It can help the brain to perform calculations. Recent studies are coming to another conclusion, however. They show that our brain processes math without speech. Researchers studied three men. The brains of these test subjects were injured. As a result, the speech center was also damaged. The men had big problems with speaking. They could no longer formulate simple sentences. They couldn't understand words either. After the speech test the men had to solve math problems. A few of these mathematical puzzles were very complex. Even so, the test subjects could solve them! The results of this study are very interesting. They show that math is not encoded with words. It's possible that language and math have the same basis. Both are processed from the same center. But math doesn't have to be translated into speech first. Perhaps language and math develop together too... Then when the brain has finished developing, they exist separately!